The Grumman OV-1 Mohawk is an iconic piece of Army Aviation history, serving as an indispensable reconnaissance aircraft from the 1950s through the 1990s. With its distinctive twin turboprop engines and a unique side-by-side seating arrangement, the Mohawk was designed for battlefield surveillance, target acquisition, and artillery spotting. Its ability to operate from short, unprepared runways made it a versatile asset in various conflicts, including the Vietnam War. The OV-1 was not just a workhorse; it was a technological marvel of its time, equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and cameras for day and night operations. Its rugged design and reliability earned it the respect and admiration of pilots and ground troops alike. The Mohawk's legacy continues to inspire, symbolizing the innovation and bravery of Army Aviation.
This 17-ounce double-walled stainless steel water bottle is perfect for your daily outings It will keep your drink of choice hot or cold for hours. Features an odor- and leak-proof cap. Throw it in your car's cup holder on your way to work, take it with you on hikes, or toss it in your bag for any time you get thirsty.
High-grade stainless steel
17 oz (500 ml)
Dimensions 105 285 (27 7 cm)
Vacuum flask
Double-wall construction
Bowling pin shape
Odorless and leak-proof cap
Insulated for hot and cold liquids (keeps the liquid hot or cold for 6 hours)
Patented ORCA coating for vibrant colors
Hand-wash only (dishwasher not recommended due to vacuum seal)
Chris D
April 10, 2022
100% of pilots found this review helpful
Love this bottle. I was very surprised at how glossy the map photo is. Feels like a very durable image.